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Goal: $150,000 $170,000
$154,364 Total Raised
102% Complete

THANK YOU! WE DID IT! We raised $154,364 for Neshama - Chabad of Manhattan Beach! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.

Rozenberg & Associates

Attorneys At Law Tel:(888)850-3633


לעילוי נשמת שלום ישעי' ומירל דייטש - ישעיהו ושרה רעלקא גופין - חיים ישראל הכהן - רפאל משה הכהן שפערלין - אברהם דוב ובלומא ווינער

Steven & Natalie Maksin

Maksim Grinberg

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TOGETHER We Can Make an Impact!

Give this THANKSGIVING - Express Your Gratitude by PARTNERING
with CHABAD and Supporting Our Programs.

Neshama - Chabad of Manhattan Beach
End of Year - Online - Fundraiser

Watch... every gift will be matched by a group of extraordinary benefactors to reach our goal of $150,000!!!

Yes, that's right: Every dollar will have double the value and double the impact!!!


Chabad of Manhattan Beach is an educational and social service organization that provides a wide array of programs and resources to our community. Its doors are open to all – regardless of religious background, observance or organizational affiliation.

Hebrew School, Youth Programs, Cteen, Adult Education Programs, Synagogue Services, Mitzvah Projects, and Holiday Events, Chabad of Manhattan Beach is THE place people from all walks of life can turn to in times of Joy and sadly in trouble or distress. Whether through the loss of a loved one, Personal Crisis, Marriage Counseling, prison chaplaincy or hospital visitation, Chabad is a “beacon of light” that pierces the darkness of night for so many facing difficult circumstances.

Now is as timely as ever for us to join together,


Thank you for your generosity,

Rabbi Avrohom & Shula Winner
Neshama - Chabad of Manhattan Beach

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