Unite as a Community! AM YISRAEL CHAI!
In a just a few short weeks will be a year to the dreadful day of October 7, 2023 when the entire Jewish world has been shaken up. Hatred for Jews around the world has risen to levels that have not been seen since the Holocaust.
In memory of all those beautiful innocent souls – our brothers and sisters killed in the Israel/Gaza war,
we at Chabad of Manhattan Beach have commissioned a designer to embroider a NEW WHITE Bima cover for this year’s High Holidays. It will have the names of the victims and hostages killed.
The White Cover traditionally stays on the Bima from Rosh Hashana till after Simchat Torah
(the date that this tragedy happened).
To help us cover the cost and have the merit to participate in this great honor we ask for a minimal donation of $180 – numerical of Chai - Life.
May Hashem grant you and bless you and all of us together with CHAI – LIFE and be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of long and healthy, prosperous and joyful lives for our entire family.
Shana Tova U’metika.
Am Tisrael Chai!